Stephanie Mueller spends time with her Alpa Phi sorority sisters in front of their sorority house. Mueller, a St. Louis native, is in her third year studying photojournalism at the University of Missouri.

Stephanie Mueller works on homework with her boyfriend Stephan Grosch, who is also from St. Louis. They started dating her senior year in high school just as he was leaving for college. He transferred to Mizzou last year to study finance.

Stephanie Mueller opens a pack of batteries for a new TV remote held by her roommate Danielle DeCosmo while DeCosmo’s dog Oliver watches. Oliver has chewed three remotes since they moved into the apartment in August.

Stephanie Mueller shares photos she took with sorority friends at a preparation for Fall Fling, a competition of skits and dance routines during homecoming week. Mueller is the resident photographer for her sorority Alpha Phi, photographing their portraits and events.

Stephanie walks the nine blocks to her apartment after a long day on campus at the University of Missouri. Mueller plans to pursue fashion photography after she graduates with her degree in photojournalism.

Stephanie Mueller dishes up cheese dip to share with her cousin Alex Voss. Mueller and Voss grew 5 minutes from each other, though they went to separate high schools. They are in the same sorority and are roommates. “She’s like my sister,” Voss said.

Stephanie Mueller plays with her pet turtle Koopa while spending time with her boyfriend Stephan Grosch. Koopa was named after the turtle charcters on the Super Mario Bros. video game.